To be included in our email list, please create your account.
To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.
$30 per family, includes ONE Directory App key,which will be emailed to you once you have completed your purchase. |
Join the Haworth HSA for the 2024-2025 school year. We invite you to become a member of The Haworth Home & School Association for the 2024-2025 school year. Money raised through our membership and various fund-raising initiatives enables us to sponsor activities for our children from grades K-8, including authors and artists-in-residence, storytellers, assembly programs, musical productions and classroom enrichments.
2021/2022 Grants given:
Read Across America gifts for students
September 2021
Dear HPS Faculty:
The Haworth Home and School Association is pleased to announce a MINI-GRANT PROGRAM for the 2021-2022 school year. All staff are eligible and encouraged to apply, only those approved will receive a grant.
The grants should be related to what is going on in the classroom and should enrich the school curriculum, and we encourage you to think out-of-the box ie. class trips, school assembles, guest readers, etc. The monies should not be used to purchase those items that the school provides through the district budget. Each request is carefully reviewed and considered by the HHSA Executive Board.
Grade levels may collaborate and pool their money to submit a grant that would benefit the entire grade level and teachers may also collaborate in a specific subject area. The approval of the administration is required prior to submission.
We look forward to assisting you by providing another resource for you to further enhance the education of the children of Haworth. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to working with you on this initiative. Please feel free to contact us for additional information.
The HHSA Executive Board
Gabrielle Miskovitz, President
Sapna Kapoor Crowley, Vice President & Curriculum
Johanna Volpi, Treasurer
Tara Dean, Fundraising
Lauren Lebel, Hospitality
Jessica Spiegel, Communications
Dayana Marchisio, Head Class Parent
HHSA Faculty Grant Application
Stay Connected with Haworth Public School
Download the 'ParentSquare' App
Enter your email or cell number to
access your account.
Login to your account (or set up a new account) and complete your TO DO list...
1. Update Student(s) Profiles -- new grade and teacher
2. Create Profile -- for incoming Kindergarten Students.
3. Purchase HHSA Annual Membership for 2022-2023 - $30 per family
4. Purchase your Class Dues - $50 per student. (After 10/31/21 dues need to be paid in cash or by check to your Head Class Parent. Click here to learn more about Class Dues.
HHSA Mission Statement
The Home and School Association is a non-profit, fundraising organization that includes parents, teachers and administrators. Our goal is to support and enhance the work of school staff and the Board of Education in providing an enriched school experience for our children. The HHSA relies entirely on dedicated volunteers to plan, run, and raise the necessary funding to make it all possible.
Thank you for your support!
Click here to see our accomplishments over the years.