HHSA Constitution

The Haworth Home and School Association is committed to facilitating communication between the parents, teachers, students, faculty, staff and administration of The Haworth School, in order to provide enrichment opportunities and school facilities enhancements for our children that otherwise would not be financed by the school budget. Most importantly, by working together as a community, we strive to lead by example in supporting our children to become well-rounded individuals who have the ability to effect positive change in our world.



We are a volunteer run association that raises money to enhance the programs and facilities of the Haworth Public School.  Ours is an association where a stay at home parent may have the time to physically volunteer at the school during the day, while a working parent may be able to help via computer or at evening events when his or her schedule permits.  We also recognize that there are people who are unable to do either, but would like to support our organization through other means such as financial or material contributions. No one scenario is more important than another because we realize all types of members have so much to offer our community.

We also know that if we work together as a cohesive community, we are in a better position to enrich our children's educational experiences.  In addition, we can help each other to provide for our children what we might not be able to provide on our own at a specific moment in time.  The saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is a philosophy that carries great merit and is one that we aspire to.

We are so fortunate that our "village" is comprised of people with such varied skill sets.  Our members are CPAs, attorneys, educators, stay at home moms and dads, musicians, artists, public relations specialists, analysts, and the list goes on and on.   The HHSA recognizes the special talents within our community and will make a concerted effort to invite one and all to participate in making our school a place where our children can strive for both academic excellence and a personal understanding of the importance of civic responsibility.


Areas of Focus for the Future   

Many of our members have been sharing how they would like to see our association grow.   The following areas of focus have been identified as being important to them.  As the year progresses, we encourage one and all to take part at our meetings to fine tune and expand upon this list.  As a cohesive community we can truly make the most of our association. 


These areas of focus include but are not limited to:

- Increasing member participation.

- Improving communication between all parties, i.e. parents, teachers, students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community at large.

- Creating a plan to ensure our organization continues to operate on sound financial footing.

- Providing more opportunities for fathers to assume roles of leadership within our association.

- Continue the success of the HHSA sponsored school lunch program.

- Encouraging our children not only to be civically responsible citizens, but providing opportunities for them to see the connection between their actions and the outcome of their efforts.