To be included in our email list, please create your account.

To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.

$30 per family, includes ONE Directory App key,which will be emailed to you once you have completed your purchase.

Join the Haworth HSA for the 2024-2025 school year.

We invite you to become a member of The Haworth Home & School Association for the 2024-2025 school year.  Money raised through our membership and various fund-raising initiatives enables us to sponsor activities for our children from grades K-8, including authors and artists-in-residence, storytellers, assembly programs, musical productions and classroom enrichments.  

Click here to Join Now!



Take a look at what's happening in and around Haworth.

Haworth Home and School Association Committees

We have many shoes to fill for the 2024-2025 school year!!

Below is a full list of our current committees and descriptions of the committee responsibilites. If you are interested in volunteering on a particular committee or in becoming a committee chairperson, and are already a member, simply log onto your account and click the VOLUNTEER tab to sign up.

If you are not yet a member and would like to volunteer you can contact any member of the executive board to do so.

We look forward to hearing from you! 


Grade fundraisers
Chair:   Tara
Grade fundraisers
Chair:   Tara
Holiday fundraisers
Chair:   Sheer Yoskovitz

Item purchasing as a means of raising funds for the school, 

Including- Valentines, Spring and so forth

School Supplies Fundraiser
Chair:   Jessica Kolkebeck

School Tool Box


Customizable, affordable, prepackaged school supplies for all students in Grades K-8 to make your "back to school" planning easier.
Each Tool Box contains the supplies chosen by the Grade Teachers.  Add-on or remove any items on the list that you might already have at home.  

School supplies will be delivered directly to your home in time for the start of the school year.  Once an order is placed the processing time is only 10 days! 

Trick or Trunk and TrEAT, October 2022
Chair:   Cindy Kushner & Lisa Lee

A family fun event!!

Trick or Trunk will take place on Friday, October 29th from 5:30pm onwards - we have plenty of options for volunteers, especially as details of the events are coordinated.  

Trick or Trunk (Teacher Car Park at HPS)

- Bring your car and decorate your trunk (upto 30 cars allowed).

- Help with set-up (4:30-5:30pm)

- Help on ticket table (5:30-7:30pm)

- Help during event  (5:30-8:00pm)

- Help with clean up (8:00-9:00pm)

- Host a craft table for the kids.

For more information contact: Cindy Kushner & Lisa Lee

Monthly Teacher Appreciation Lounge
Chair:   Heather Hallowell - hski79@yahoo.com

Treats and snacks provided twice a month to the teachers lounge. The chair or co-chairs person will coordinate the monthly volunteers.

VOLUNTEERS are needed each month to arrange a treat and drop off to the teachers lounge. This is greatly appreciated by the teachers!!

Click here to Signup

Drama Committee
Chair:   SEE BELOW

The HHSA hosts a Junior Fall Production (Grades 2-4) and a Senior Spring Production (Grades 5-8). 

Both productions have dedicated Co-Chairs, however, we are always looking for additional support!

If you are interested in helping out, in the lead up to the event or during the shows, please contact:

Junior Play Co-Chairs:




Senior Play Co-Chairs:


Meredith Griffin griffin.mer@gmail.com

Michelle Szukics mmduprey@aol.com

Karin Bevilacqua karin.bevilacqua@fmr.com


School Photos
Chair:   Dayana Marchisio

Volunteer to help with School Picture Day early October.

Teacher Appreciation Week
Chair:   Needed

During Teacher Appreication Week we create a week-long celebration for our wonderful HPS Teachers.  Each day we look to do something different, from breakfast, daily raffles, yoga session, goody bags, lunch etc.

Each class donates a basket for the daily raffle which the teachers love.

Idealy we need 2-4 volunteers.

If you are interested, please contact: Gabrielle Miskovitz

After-School Enrichment Program
Chair:   Sheer Yaskowitz

After-School Enrichment is a wonderful program that provides after school classes for our children. Some exciting classes in the past have been Outragehiss Pets, Photography, Mad Science, Magic, Chess - to name a few!

We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers to help with this amazing program that we offer our children. Below we have highlighted some of the responsiblities.  Please contact us if you have a few hours to spare!

Spring Book Fair
Chair:   Ari Condos

The HHSA hosts a Scholastic Book Fair in the Spring.  Usualy a week-long event (including setup and take down).  Children and teachers are invited to visit the book fair during the day time. On the Wednesday evening we have a late night shopping event, along with mystery reader, raffles and refreshments.

This event requires many volunteers! 

Author Visits
Chair:   Jody Rozenblit

Throughout the year the HHSA sponsors author and illustrator visits for K-8 with the school librarian.

If you have suggestions for author visits/assemeblies, please contact the Chair Jody Rozenblit


Ice Cream Sales
Chair:   Joan Goldstein

The HHSA sells ice cream ($1) during lunch every Thursday for an extra special treat. 

Committee is responsible for sales of ice cream during Thursday lunch. Also, responsible for inventory and ordering. Substitutes occasionally needed for Thursday sales. 

High School Scholarship Program
Chair:   HHSA Executive Board

In June the HHSA awards two $1,000 scholarship to a former Haworth Public School students graduating from Northern Valley Demarest High School.

If you are interested in reading through the applications please contact a member of the HHSA Executive Board.

Ladies' Night Event
Chair:   Needed

Each Fall we aim to host a Fun Ladies Social. Past events include a Pocket Book Bingo, Karaoke, Fashion Show.

If you would like to coordinate an event for the Fall 2021 please reach out to the HHSA Executive Board.


Stay Connected with Haworth Public School

Download the 'ParentSquare' App

Enter your email or cell number to

access your account.


Login to your account (or set up a new account) and complete your TO DO list...

1. Update Student(s) Profiles -- new grade and teacher

2. Create Profile -- for incoming Kindergarten Students.

3. Purchase HHSA Annual Membership for 2022-2023 - $30 per family 

4. Purchase your Class Dues - $50 per student. (After 10/31/21 dues need to be paid in cash or by check to your Head Class Parent. Click here to learn more about Class Dues.






HHSA Mission Statement

The Home and School Association is a non-profit, fundraising organization that includes parents, teachers and administrators. Our goal is to support and enhance the work of school staff and the Board of Education in providing an enriched school experience for our children. The HHSA relies entirely on dedicated volunteers to plan, run, and raise the necessary funding to make it all possible.

Thank you for your support!

Click here to see our accomplishments over the years.